Tuesday, 17 February 2015


-          A Commentary  Perception

The so called non-cooperation movement plagued countrywide followed by arsons attacks on public property’s that includes endangering human lives in mass people & community  is the syndrome of presence of trained sleeper cells activities all over in Bangladesh.

As days passing by the Non Movement called by the Protestants only creating havoc to the city dwellers instead not resolving political demands by large.  Who will be held responsible, the protestant , the state or ……………..?

The protestant “BNP” possess a portion of majority follower in Bangladesh to flourish rightful application of Democracy. It seems the think tankers of the party itself is not actively participating the strategic solutions & remedy to interact Politics in present situation. Otherwise the non-cooperation movement without specific agenda before the nation resembles one thing   – “Acute Political Terrorism”. 

The crying need of the hour of the Protestant “BNP” at the moment to figure out proposition that is workable, sustainable, meaningful and has acceptability to their followers in regards to reformation of Political leadership to exercise right way of democracy instead political disruption. Otherwise very soon the call of situation will endanger BNP in the future & the political bankruptcy will lead fatality internally which will be impair able damage, no doubt. The mass people are not interested to accept political violence at any cost as such the Protestant BNP ultimately defamed in many situation and tarnishing his own image owing to lack of political mismanagement.  

Day by the Day the alarming situation of the political turmoil indicates sharply the presence of trained sleeper cells associated in every corner of the country. The sleeper cells are trained group which is prevailing in all Block areas of the world. The aims & objective of the sleeper cells are cause of destruction & damage and in exchange they ransom demands from the authoritarian   That is the practice of “SLEEPER CELLS” – They are not cause of any Political parties or anything themselves are process of destruction and that is what they are dealing only to prove their presence to rule the world. They motivate “FEARS” among mass community & world to capitalize the moments only. This is absolute global crisis and Bangladesh is not the only one affected to the cause of the syndrome. The exemplification of Sleeper cells led by ISIS and Al –Qaeda . The Recent news publication on Daily Mail , Uk narrated the factual matters of terrorist sleeper cells presence in USA & France and in many countries . The article was written by  SNEJANA FARBEROV FOR MAILONLINE dated 13th January 2015.

The present conventional trend of Political leadership & its matrix of Blame Game is not the solution to resolve the acute political terrorism rather all Political parties should call for immediate attention to draw out guide lines in a National Consensus way to fight back with Sleeper Cells instead making castle in the air. Bangladesh is a land of opportunity and such country can be a good cause to develop & emerge profoundly in versatile fields using its own resources , manpower and can grow tremendous economic growth for multilateral interest. It is time now to emphasize Political stands before globalization for financial growth instead boycotting village politics and make Bangladesh -   A Bangladesh with Pride & Honor , off-course.

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